Lettera per Keanu Reeves

Lettera aperta di Alessandra a Keanu Reeves
“La mia anima”

giovedì 4 luglio 2019,

Buongiorno Keanu Reeves,
I am Alessandra, I had the misfortune to fall in love with my executioner who turned against you, I stripped my soul in telling my sad story, in many ways very similar to yours, made of traumatic events that marked my heart. Today in discovering the gang that extorted money from me, in exchange for your visit and return of the same, a sum that was used for my son's care for his pathology. If I never answer you or you will read this story, but I want you to know that in these days I have loved you so much, I loved the man not the actor you represent, I loved and scrutinized every image and your every expression of compassion and love. I have been naive and credulous, but my heart is like that and nothing can change it. God bless you.

Autore: Alessandra

Lettera per Keanu Reeves. Lettera 93.

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